Wednesday, December 24, 2008

The Magic of Giving

My wife and I spent a month holidaying in Southern France.

I don't remember ever being as happy as I was during the short time we spent there.

I was truly happy to be alive.

On hot days, we spent out time inside our cool room reading or chatting. Towards the evenings, we often went for walks. During our walks we'd stop to look at the bowers along the road. The road, which was made of red sand, ran along the mountain; lavenders grew on one side of it and olive trees grew on the other.

We enjoyed the scenery as we walked through the village. The beauty around us added to our joy.

The local people all said they were very happy to see us walking hand-in-hand, smiling, serene, poised and open to strangers. I only realized how much our happiness affected them when the farmers gave us a special gift which they usually reserved for a big occasion or some unexpected pleasant surprise: dry sausage and a bottle of anisette.

On each of our walks we made new friends who cemented our friendship with lovely gifts.

We finally returned home. After spending a month in sunny, friendly Provence, our city seemed cold; the days and nights appeared longer than usual, and even clients seemed uninterested in my work.

One evening, as I sat in a cafe, with my head on my hand, thinking of our time in Provence and the lavish welcome of it's people, it hit me. I realized why the villagers back in France treated us as they did: they were giving us back what they had received from us - the gift of joy.

Don't expect anything from others which you don't give yourself: give a smile when you're sad, a warm handshake when your heart is cold, a positive thought when you see nothing but dark things in your life....


When your happiness radiates out and touches those around you, including strangers, you communicate something to them. Something which makes them want to respond in a positive way to you.

Give joy without expecting anything in return and you will put people in the best possible disposition to give and be open with you.


"What is good about giving on your part is that you always receive more than you give; the reaction is always stronger than the action."
Orison S. Marden

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